• How to make technology work for you

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    Averting Disaster

    • different kinds of backups
    • updates and maintenance
    • be notfied of imminent failures
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    Tame Annoyances

    • block tracking websites
    • eliminate intrusive ads
    • avoid viruses, malware, spam
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    The Benefits of WiFi

    • share music and movies
    • add WiFi to existing devices

    • save $ on your cellular plan

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    Passwords & Security

    • migrate to a new email address

    • manage secure passwords
    • activate 2-step verification
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    Be Smartphone Saavy

    • replace other technology

    • remote control household devices and lights

    • essential apps you need

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    In Synch With The Cloud

    • which Cloud services are best for your use

    • decide what to store there

    • manage auto-synch settings
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    Managing Email

    • detect unsafe links

    • manage large accounts

    • live without using webmail

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    Going Mobile

    • travel with personal data
    • edit and publish on the go

    • access your home computer

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    Optimizing Your System

    • make it easier to use

    • make it faster

    • install inexpensive upgrades

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    Migrating To A New Computer

    • change to a new computer without losing your data (or your mind)

    • what to keep, what to change

    • when to buy a new device

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    Keeping Software Up To Date

    • maintaining updates and upgrades

    • safely upgrade an operating system

    • when you should update

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    Switching From Windows to Mac (or vice-versa)

    • use one computer to run both Windows and Mac

    • identify the advantages and disadvantages of each
    • what to do before you switch
  • Tech Tidbits

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    Super fast SSDs are the future.

    But you can get yours today.

    Are you still using a hard drive? SSDs are a very fast form of computer storage that are soon likely to replace hard drives. Many computers are now offered with SSDs as "build-to-order" options. You can also greatly enhance the performance of your existing computer by installing one of these.

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    To Click or Not To Click?

    The Dilemma of URL Spoofing

    We have became accustomed to emails, which look just like web pages, and have graphics and links to web sites. These links (known as URLs) can be forged, sending you to a different website than the one represented. A fraudulent destination website waits for you to enter your account information and password, and then gain illegal access. The safest way to treat these links is NOT to click on them. (If needed, you can often go to a website manually, ensuring its legitimacy.)

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    Updates or Upgrades?

    What's the difference?

    The software on your computer is constantly changing. "System Updates" are usually downloaded and installed "behind the scenes" to fix incompatibilities, problems, and vulnerabilities. Such updates are also available for many of your purchased programs, to keep them performing well, and securely. Updates are almost always free and greatly encouraged. On the other hand, upgrades are rarely free, and advertise new features and benefits. Sometimes they introduce new incompatibilities (with existing items) and therefore should be carefully evaluated before proceeding.

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    Call 646-820-4694, or submit the request form below